BLOG 4 - My dream job

 BLOG 4 - My dream job

    Since I was little I thought about being a veterinarian with distinction in equine sciences, since I love horses. Then at fourteen, I wanted to dedicate myself completely to the sport of equestrian jumping and try to reach the Olympic games, because I was already competing internationally. But they didn't let me drop out of school, but that didn't stop my love for horses. A few months later I entered a course of rehabilitation and therapy with horses. Since then I started with my trainer and colleagues to rehabilitate abused horses, especially in the rodeo and then with them we work with children with disabilities, supporting them with “hippotherapy” and I thought I would dedicate myself to that.


 But the following year, I traveled to Arequipa, Peru and I fell in love with architecture, in that city I knew what I wanted to dedicate my life to. I have always thought that "cities are the settings where life happens". 

That same year I joined the NGO, Techo para Chile, and began to work with communities, to understand how the territory, architecture, urbanism, can generate great changes in segregation and inequality.

Salary is not an issue for me, since I base my decision on my vocation.


        That is why I want to dedicate myself to urbanism, create projects that focus on communities and reduce segregation and inequality, tell them that they are not alone and that if they are you can make the change. And traveling, helps as much as possible, getting to know different cultures and people. 

I am totally sure that I want to dedicate my life in order to help others, to connect with people, improve and create a better world. 


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