My vacations in Arequipa

 My vacations in Arequipa

One of my most significant vacations was my trip to Arequipa in 2015. This city is located in Peru. It is known as the “White City'', because it has an architecture of adobe houses, painted white, with narrow streets with cobblestones . 

It was in this city that I realized that, I wanted to study architecture, I fell in love with history, culture, architectural elements, and with how the city was configured, so considering that I am a person who travels constantly, this is one of the my favorite places, because this city took me to study architecture and it has been a great success in my life. 

I went to a “La laneria”, which is where llama and alpaca wool is produced, stored, prepared and used to create different fabrics with different techniques, mainly the use of the “andean loom”. Also in the same place they raise and care for llamas and alpacas, they have an open space where they live freely. 

I also went to the "Cañon del Condor", that day I felt a lot of dizziness, because  the tour guide made us look out over the cliff to see the nests of the condors. Their nests are gigantic and precious, a person up to 12 years old can snuggle in them comfortably. 

We also observed the geology of the place, it had a high presence of clay, some volcanic rocks and igneous rocks. It was a very beautiful and magical place.  

After this tour, I went to take a photo with a llama and without noticing it an eagle flew to my head and perched for the photograph. My face had a nervous smile because I was not prepared for it.


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